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Dear parents and all in the community of Mougins School,

The lockdown since Half Term has meant, unfortunately, that many of our normal activities have had to be curtailed or postponed, but I am happy to write with one or two pieces of good news.

Autumn Recital

Although we couldn’t have an audience, Ms Gossedge and Ms Kellner have produced a fantastic Autumn Recital, which we have filmed and edited for all to watch and enjoy. The standard of music is absolutely fantastic at the school – and getting even better!  A huge thank you to all the outstanding performers, across all the year groups, who gave up so much time to rehearse and to produce this video. The recital  is on the Mougins School channel on Youtube and on our website on the Music page – see:

Christmas Concert

A heads up, too, that we are shortly to publish The Winter Concert, which has a larger number of items than the Autumn Recital, and there is a separate Junior Winter Concert coming out also.  The items have been recorded (in full formal wear!), and are being curated and edited as I write.  I will send out the links next week in my final newsletter of the term.

Universities admissions – Cambridge interviews for two Mougins students

We are now right in the middle of the Universities admissions process, and I am delighted to announce that two of our students have been invited to interview at Cambridge, to read English and Psychology. Just getting to this stage at such a world-leading university is a huge achievement and we wish them good luck and are keeping our fingers crossed that they receive offers of places!

Student Council

Elections have been held (with rather more good grace than some elections in other parts of the world…) for officers and representatives to the School Council.


The Student Council in the Primary Department meets once a week and is busy working at the moment on the playground project for the KS2 children. There is a student council team who are supported by two representatives from each class. This team consists of:

  • Chair: Caroline Terrell
  • Vice-Chair: Victor Nedkov
  • Treasurer: Ella Rossi Taraniuk
  • Secretary: Adrien Hébant


Cynthia Wolff (Form 13) is the President of the Secondary School Student Council and will chair the meetings. Madison Perkins (Form 12) is the Vice-President and will act as secretary in the meetings

Maddie and Cynthia will share the role of PTA liaison.

The first Student Council meeting took place on Thursday 3rd during breaktime. Following this a Google Classroom was set up to help communication. A part of the noticeboard outside the main building (by the tree) has been allocated to student council notices – meetings, upcoming events. On Friday 4th Cynthia and Maddie met Isabella, Pierre and Sabine from the PTA  during a Zoom call after school. Ideas discussed ranged from – Playground 4.0 in a couple of years for the secondary school, Mimosa sponsored running events like the Nice-Cannes marathon, Christmas/winter themed events to raise spirits/spread cheer in the secondary school.

  • Form 7a Maya Ardizio, Jack Healy
  • Form 7b Alex Hébant, Coco Beaumont
  • Form 8a Andrei Gorelov, Niko Inasaridze
  • Form 8b Elinor Bascle, Harrison Rafferty
  • Form 8c Juliette Lillo, Leon Nilsson
  • Form 9a Kenzo Portal Kanapi, Ashton Bellaiche
  • Form 9b Maria Voronina, Petr Vinograd
  • Form 10a Leilani Cohen, Gabrio Gola
  • Form 10b Tobias Warren, Madeleine Warren
  • Form 11a Sasha Kryvopishyn, Vato Inasaridze (Vato)
  • Form 11b Selyan Chicco, Chloe Puchert
  • Form 12a Oscar Partouche, Charlotte Sidney
  • Form 12b Maddie Perkins, Ella Jaffe
  • Form 13a Alex Pivovarov, Cynthia Wolff
  • Form 13b Marion Heymann, Alex Bulboaca

The School Council plays a crucial part in supporting the running of the school, involving themselves in worthwhile projects and being role models to other students. I am very grateful indeed to all those who put themselves up for positions of responsibility, and indeed to all students who voted! Democracy at its best…

Primary Maths Challenge

Earlier this term 9 children in year 6  took part in the Primary Maths Challenge. This challenge is designed to make pupils think outside the box in Maths and as something that takes place within the secondary we felt that trialling this in the Primary also would aid in the transition of the children.

LAMDA drama lessons

Finally, I am pleased to announce that LAMDA drama lessons will be reinstated in the new year, and Ms Lecoy will be writing to all parents explaining how the system works and the examinations students can take shortly.

With very best wishes from all of us at school.

Kind regards
Simon Hollands