Key Stage 2
During the Primary phase, children begin to develop a sense of independence and to feel more “grown up”.
Working via the English National Curriculum they make excellent progress in oral comprehension and expression, literacy, numeracy and social skills. All subjects are taught in English and the practical methodology synonymous with the UK national curriculum means that different types of learners are able to progress at different rates.
The Primary Education phase of the English National Curriculum is divided into two stages: Key Stage 1 (ages 5 – 7) and Key Stage 2 (ages 7 – 11).
We are a truly multi-cultural school with all the benefits that brings. Learning comes alive when wisdom is shared not only by motivated staff but also by peers with life experiences and cultures that illuminate whole new worlds. The seeds of curiosity about the world around us and mutual respect are planted and nurtured
Key Stage One
Pupils begin KS1 at the age of five and finish when they are seven.
Our aim is for children to enjoy their time at school and to develop knowledge, understanding and values in order to reach their full potential in all academic and social areas of school life. We encourage children to be keen, enthusiastic, independent learners and we give them lots of opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills by working and co operating with others. Through the curriculum we build their self-esteem and self confidence.
The work of each year group is guided by the appropriate level of the English National Curriculum, Key Stage 1, which is by nature broad and balanced. Subject areas include English Language, Mathematics, Science and Design Technology, Topic (which includes History and Geography objectives from the National Curriculum), Art and Craft, Music, Physical Education, PHSE (Physical, Health and Social Education) and French.
In Language and Literacy we aim to provide a rich and stimulating environment in which children find interest and pleasure in communicating in English. They are offered many experiences to develop their interest in reading with fluency, accuracy, understanding and enjoyment. The development of handwriting skills forms an important part of Language and Literacy.
In Mathematics and Science we aim to develop a knowledge and understanding of the role of these subjects in everyday life. Children are encouraged to relate their Mathematics and Science work to other areas of the curriculum and the skills and attitudes acquired are important components of cross-curricular topic work.
Each year in school builds on the previous year. We assess progress and achievement and we regularly report to parents about how well their children are doing.
Key Stage Two
Key Stage 2 (KS2) comprises four Year Groups: Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
Pupils move into Year 3 when they are seven years old and finish Year 6 when they are eleven.
As with KS1, we follow the English National Curriculum closely.
Teachers provide stimulating activities to build up pupil confidence and harness natural curiosity. Children thereby achieve high levels of knowledge, skills and understanding while enjoying the learning process. Where possible and appropriate, children are taken on out-of-school visits in order to enhance classroom teaching. Some pupil work falls easily into identifiable subject areas, however, children are also involved in a variety of cross-curricular topic based investigations.
Our approach promotes a variety of skills and offers scope for the development of many different concepts. We emphasise active investigative methods to facilitate purposeful learning and to encourage independence, while at the same time ensuring that the main requirements of the National Curriculum are covered.
In addition to English and Maths, children also study Art, Science and Technology, Topic (which includes History and Geography objectives from the National Curriculum), Computing, Music, P.E and French. Children will also learn about personal, social, health economic education and citizenship (PSHE).
In general, Key Stage Two children work mainly with one class teacher, although certain subjects, such as Music and Physical Education and French, are studied with specialist teachers.