Post Graduation
We work hard at Mougins school to support our students as they research, consider and apply for University courses and careers, and are proud of their results and of their destinations. The majority of Mougins leavers go on to University in the UK, but also to a range of highly-regarded Universities across the world, before embarking on diverse and fulfilling careers.
In recent years Mougins students have gained places, for example, at universities in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary and Belgium in Europe, as well as the US and Canada.
As a starting point we subscribe to BridgeU, a comprehensive online platform which enables students initially to explore courses globally which match their interests, and also use the services of SPW Careers, a UK-based specialist careers service, where our students are offered 1:1 online personal support, guidance and interviews, throughout the Lower and Upper Sixth

At a time when it is increasingly difficult for University Admissions departments to differentiate applicants academically, mentors from the Sixth form team work very closely with students on their personal statements and there is a dedicated slot in the timetable for UCAS clinics. Sixth Formers are encouraged to undertake as much meaningful work experience as possible and the Careers Department will assist in finding appropriate industry contacts.