Secondary Highlights
by Jane Ayerst
It was great to welcome our students back onsite this week! With this, has seen the beginning of the Grade Booster exams for Form 11, Form 12 and Form 13 students. There has been a slight change to the calendar for Form 12, however all affected students have been notified. If students or parents have any worries or concerns, I encourage them to contact me, their tutor teachers or subject teachers. We are all here to help the students gain the best possible grade that they deserve.
The Grade Booster exam period concludes on Friday 4th June. This is the last day of formal classes for Form 13 students. Form 12 students will then have the opportunity to be involved in two weeks of elective activities and Form 11 will have one week of elective opportunities provided. The exact timetable will be released in the coming weeks. We strongly encourage all students to participate in these highly valuable sessions on offer. The sessions will run for half the day.
Last term, Form 9 students were asked to indicate which (I)GCSE subjects they would like to study next year. Likewise, Form 11 students were asked for their A-Level subject preferences. This data has been analysed and the staffing has been considered. More information about the blocks will be communicated with the students next week. Please keep in mind that unfortunately the school is not always able to accommodate all students preferences. I will meet with individual students if their options did not fit into the formulated blocks.
Jane Ayerst
Head of 6th Form
From 7 Denim et Jean Project
Form 7 and the French team have been working very hard on an exhibition that explores the use of denim and its environmental impact.
Un “avant-goût” de l’exposition prepared by Form 7 :
Plus de 70 jeans vendus par seconde dans le monde : c’est le vêtement le plus porté ! Le jean a su séduire toute la planète, de la toile de Nîmes aux vêtements des chercheurs d’or américains. Du monde du travail à celui de la Haute Couture, le jeans a progressivement gagné toutes les garde-robes. Il a marqué l’évolution de la société. Et aujourd’hui se pose la question : quel est l’impact écologique réel d’un jeans ? Comment faire mieux ?

This exhibition designed and set up by form 7 students will be held in the Library in May.
Children will have the opportunity to contribute to this project which will culminate in an event with guests and activities celebrating World Environment Day around the theme of the environmental impact of jeans.
We can’t wait to see the result!
Student Wellbeing
by Robert Cooke
As you know our Year 11,12 and 13’s will be sitting their Grade boosters over the next few weeks and our staff and I know you would like to wish them all the success in their endeavours. We as a community, school teacher and parent must also help support our students through this emotionally challenging time.
As teachers and parents it is important to encourage our students and children to achieve their best, using positivity and giving helpful advice and support. We must also encourage healthy and well-being lifestyles during this period like a healthy diet, practising sport and getting a good nights sleep.
As teachers and parents we also want to encourage our students to strive to achieve success but we must also be careful with finding a balance with what is success and realistic targets that reflect success and do not add too much stress and emotional difficulties.
Again I would like to wish all our students all the best in their studies and know that as teachers we are there to help and support you achieve your dreams.
Robert Cooke
Deputy Head of Pastoral and Safeguarding