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In order to try and eliminate the use of plastic bottles, Mougins School is investing in metallic bottles, green with the School logo, which will be available for the sum of 8€. It is our hope that the campus will, eventually, be plastic free. The profits from the sale of the bottles will go to the Association Shelter Box which provides a box with the basic elements for survival to people who have been affected by a natural disaster world-wide.

Supporting our aim to alert people to the toxic dangers of plastic in our environment, Harper, in Form 12, and thirty students of Mougins School undertook to clean up rubbish on the Cap d’Antibes. Harper will be using the plastic recuperated in order to create an art project.

She comes from Boulder in Colorado and has always had a deep connection with nature and will try and convey this through her art. As she says ‘plastic is attacking the beauty of our seas, oceans and rivers, our marine life and its food chain. Plastic is poison’. Harper is hoping to inspire people with her art project. ‘The earth is our only home, we need to take care of it’.