by Lise Cudin | Jun 11, 2021 | School Life, School News, Sports
Sports in the Primary department We are very fortunate within the primary to have some wonderful sports teachers who work with children in KS2 and support primary staff with PE lessons in EYFS and KS1. We have excellent sports facilities in school, including a...
by Lise Cudin | Jun 11, 2021 | Graduation, School Life, School News
Curriculum Matters As explained in last week’s Learning Curve, Year 11, 12 and 13 students are required to fill out the Google Form posted on their year group Google Classroom to verify that they have spoken to their teachers about the evidence that will be...
by Lise Cudin | Jun 10, 2021 | People Of Mougins, School News
The end of the year is coming up and some great events are going to happen at Mougins School. Despite another complicated year with the health situation, our future graduates will have more luck than 2020 and will be able to enjoy the joys of being a laureate after...
by Lise Cudin | Jun 4, 2021 | School News
Assessments in the Primary Department As we have been working on our end of year assessments this week, we felt it was an ideal time to explain in more depth how we assess and monitor children’s progress in the primary department. There are two types of assessment:...
by Lise Cudin | May 28, 2021 | School Life, School News
French Lessons French lessons take place for all children in Primary, right through from Nursery to Year 6. The French specialist teachers work closely with the department and often tailor their curriculum to cover areas that the children are studying in their...
by Lise Cudin | May 21, 2021 | School Life, School News
Music Lessons At Mougins, all children in Primary experience twice weekly specialist Music lessons. We follow the British National Curriculum with a focus on performance, composition, listening and appraising. With so much to do, our lessons are fast paced, lively...