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Notice board – 17/09/21

Notice board – 17/09/21

THRIVE The processes behind rolling out a whole school elective program are complicated!However, we are pleased to inform you that all students who completed their forms (close to 90%) have received their THRIVE allocations today. Please go through these with them to...

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Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives

Dear Parents   We have introduced an exciting and dynamic new subject entitled Global Perspectives into our lower Secondary school curriculum. It is supported by Cambridge University and it is a course like no other. Our students will explore what they are...

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People Of Mougins: Dione Smith University Counselor

People Of Mougins: Dione Smith University Counselor

Dione, tell us about yourself This September I joined the team at Mougins as a University Counsellor. Everyone here has been so friendly and kind that settling in has been easy. I am originally from Hawaii and still consider it home although I've lived in Northern...

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‘Ichi-go, Ichi-e’

‘Ichi-go, Ichi-e’

There are two expressions in Japanese that came to mind this week in the Secondary School. The first is: 'Nana korobi, ya oki'. This one translates, pretty literally, into ‘Fall down seven times, get up eight’. I wrote last week in The Learning Curve about the need...

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Junior Duke in Primary

Junior Duke in Primary

We all hope that our children succeed in school, achieve good results and go on to do great things with their lives. However, their general wellbeing and happiness plays a huge part in their future success. For this reason, working on helping our children to develop...

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People Of Mougins: Lou Grima from Ultra

People Of Mougins: Lou Grima from Ultra

Tell us about yourself I’m Lou Grima, I’m 20 years and I am in my 3rd year of business school and sports management at AMOS Nice. I'm working at Ultra to develop my management and human resources skills, and I'm delighted and honoured to be part of this new adventure...

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Positive Education

Positive Education

Dear Parents Welcome back to Mougins School and I hope all your children have settled into the new and exciting curriculum. We have started a number of new syllabus’ such as Global Perspectives and Positive Education that are really helping to enhance our academic...

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‘What are your challenges?’ in Secondary

‘What are your challenges?’ in Secondary

In the world of education they don't come much bigger than these three: Bob, Dylan, and Kate. Sorry if that led you to think of Bob Dylan but I really mean Robert Bjork, Dylan Wiliam, and a rising star in educational research, Kate Jones.  In Secondary this year we...

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6th Form Student reactions to their recent History trip to Krakow in Poland

"A roller coaster of emotions… one of the most memorable trips I have ever been on. When my fiends asked me, on my return, “How was Auschwitz?”, I struggled to find an answer. Words hold such little significance in regards to the emotions I felt when physically walking through human history. It was sad, almost heart achingly so at times, but more importantly it has given me the most beautiful gift of all – appreciation: appreciation for all that life has handed to me … Our days together as a class on this trip will not be forgotten"


"Totally unforgettable trip for all of us…we were constantly and continuously learning so much about Polish history and its culture as well as life in Krakow and, of course, Auschwitz. The most poignant and breath-taking event was the interview with a Holocaust survivor: so many emotions…"


“This mesmerising trip left me in awe. When I arrived I was, in all honesty, clueless. Such, as a white canvass, I let the colours of history build, assimilate, dry and blend upon me. The memories of Mrs Geruszcyznska, the ghetto and the concentration camp will forever remain in my memory and affect my personal values and life. I am truly grateful for having such a comprehensive, positive and knowledge-thirsty group of historians around me… “Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it”: Mougins School historians know…”


“The best school trip I have been on from a personal point of view”


“Absolutely astonishing trip… very emotional and important. As young people it is vital that we do not repeat the mistakes from such horrors of the past. My highlight was the amazing Schindler Museum and that talk from Mrs Miroslawa Geruszcyznska. To hear, face to face, about the trauma and emotion of her experience in wartime Poland was a privilege and something that cannot be found in any video or documentary. This visit was a huge success and should take place in further years…”


“This was an extraordinary trip … the best I have ever been on. Meeting Mrs Geruszcyznska was the highlight of the trip and to hear how she earned the title of ‘Righteous Amongst Nations’ was amazing. Krakow is beautiful: a city full of culture with the walking tour around the former Jewish Ghetto being an inspiration.”


“I am not usually a fan of school trips … but I think it is fair to say that the Poland History trip got everything right to make a really memorable and impactful experience. The places we visited gave me a real insight into Poland during the Second World War: having a tour of the Jewish district on the first day gave a perfect foundation for all the other places we visited. Listening to someone who lived through the most horrific moments in the history of mankind was such a surreal experience… but one that will live with me for a very long time. One of the hardest parts of the trip was to walk around the most infamous extermination camp of Auschwitz. Even now, writing days later, I cannot really process that I walked on the same ground that was walked on by millions of people - most of whom were murdered in that same place.”


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Mougins School

An International School offering the English National Curriculum adapted to an international community.

615 Avenue Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 Mougins, France