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First Week Back in Primary!

First Week Back in Primary!

It is so wonderful to have the children back in school and has been so refreshing to see how much they have been enjoying their new classrooms, teachers and friends.  On Monday after school we had our first zoom assembly where we began our discussions with the...

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Notice board – 10/09/21

Notice board – 10/09/21

THRIVE  Our new initiative THRIVE is under way with students rotating around for a number of different taster sessions these first two weeks. Hopefully, you have seen the timetable sent home and are talking about your child's experiences with them and discussing what...

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Notice board – 02/07/21

Notice board – 02/07/21

YEARBOOKS ON SALE NOW! Last chance to get our limited edition 2020-2021 yearbooks for 25€! Our yearbook "A Not So Traditional Year" will hopefully provide you with positive memories from a time that has been difficult and confusing as a result of the pandemic. For...

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The End of Year in Primary

The End of Year in Primary

As we come to the end of what has been a very strange year for all of us I would like to take this opportunity to say a big  thank you. To all of the parents for your help and support throughout the year. We are always so grateful for all that you do, from supporting...

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Notice board – 25/06/21

Notice board – 25/06/21

YEARBOOKS ON SALE NOW! Our 2020-2021 yearbooks are here! They will be on sale for 25€. Our yearbook "A Not So Traditional Year" will hopefully provide you with positive memories from a time that has been difficult and confusing as a result of the pandemic. Buying them...

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The End of Year in Secondary

The End of Year in Secondary

Today we come to the end of a very busy term and a very challenging year. Year 7, 8,  9 and 10 students will receive full reports today outlining what they have studied and what level they have achieved along with a description of how they have been working. The...

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September in the Primary Department

September in the Primary Department

Dear Parents,  As we come to the end of term I feel that it is important to begin to look ahead and share with you how things will work for us in September in the Primary Department. Please see the information below which also includes my responses to some frequently...

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People Of Mougins: Stella Marin

People Of Mougins: Stella Marin

Tell us about yourself I am Stella Marin in form 13, and I have been at Mougins School for 6 years. This is a big chapter of my life I am happy to graduate and go to Coventry University to study Emergency and Disaster Management. My future was defined by my education...

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6th Form Student reactions to their recent History trip to Krakow in Poland

"A roller coaster of emotions… one of the most memorable trips I have ever been on. When my fiends asked me, on my return, “How was Auschwitz?”, I struggled to find an answer. Words hold such little significance in regards to the emotions I felt when physically walking through human history. It was sad, almost heart achingly so at times, but more importantly it has given me the most beautiful gift of all – appreciation: appreciation for all that life has handed to me … Our days together as a class on this trip will not be forgotten"


"Totally unforgettable trip for all of us…we were constantly and continuously learning so much about Polish history and its culture as well as life in Krakow and, of course, Auschwitz. The most poignant and breath-taking event was the interview with a Holocaust survivor: so many emotions…"


“This mesmerising trip left me in awe. When I arrived I was, in all honesty, clueless. Such, as a white canvass, I let the colours of history build, assimilate, dry and blend upon me. The memories of Mrs Geruszcyznska, the ghetto and the concentration camp will forever remain in my memory and affect my personal values and life. I am truly grateful for having such a comprehensive, positive and knowledge-thirsty group of historians around me… “Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it”: Mougins School historians know…”


“The best school trip I have been on from a personal point of view”


“Absolutely astonishing trip… very emotional and important. As young people it is vital that we do not repeat the mistakes from such horrors of the past. My highlight was the amazing Schindler Museum and that talk from Mrs Miroslawa Geruszcyznska. To hear, face to face, about the trauma and emotion of her experience in wartime Poland was a privilege and something that cannot be found in any video or documentary. This visit was a huge success and should take place in further years…”


“This was an extraordinary trip … the best I have ever been on. Meeting Mrs Geruszcyznska was the highlight of the trip and to hear how she earned the title of ‘Righteous Amongst Nations’ was amazing. Krakow is beautiful: a city full of culture with the walking tour around the former Jewish Ghetto being an inspiration.”


“I am not usually a fan of school trips … but I think it is fair to say that the Poland History trip got everything right to make a really memorable and impactful experience. The places we visited gave me a real insight into Poland during the Second World War: having a tour of the Jewish district on the first day gave a perfect foundation for all the other places we visited. Listening to someone who lived through the most horrific moments in the history of mankind was such a surreal experience… but one that will live with me for a very long time. One of the hardest parts of the trip was to walk around the most infamous extermination camp of Auschwitz. Even now, writing days later, I cannot really process that I walked on the same ground that was walked on by millions of people - most of whom were murdered in that same place.”


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Mougins School

An International School offering the English National Curriculum adapted to an international community.

615 Avenue Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 Mougins, France