France +33 (0)4 93 90 15 47

Headmaster Newsletter

Thoughts from the Head

Thoughts from the Head 17/09/21

Thoughts from the Head 17/09/21

Welcome to The Learning Curve,  They say that it’s the little things that make the difference.  Our respect value highlights the importance of politeness and courtesy. These two words have been explored by all of our students during form time or in primary...

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Thoughts from the Head 10/09/21

Thoughts from the Head 10/09/21

Welcome to The Learning Curve,  I’ll level with you. It’s not been the easiest rentrée of my career. Day one in the carpark tested my nerves although since then it has gotten better and better. Having recovered from that, facing COVID cases on day two and discovering...

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Thoughts from the Head 02/07/21

Thoughts from the Head 02/07/21

Welcome to The Learning Curve,  As a famous song  lyric once told us “looks like we made it”. The end of the year is always a very busy time in school but always a nice one. We’ve had celebrations of learning  in the Early Years, Primary and Secondary schools as well...

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Mougins School

An International School offering the English National Curriculum adapted to an international community.

615 Avenue Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 Mougins, France