France +33 (0)4 93 90 15 47


Parent Teacher Association
The Parent Teacher Association plays an active role within the School.
Made up of an enthusiastic group of parents, teachers and student representatives, its major functions are the organising of social activities, assisting teachers with Class projects or events and fund raising.

Designated Class Parents assist with the dissemination of information relating both to the PTA and, when necessary, to the School.

Students are encouraged to assist in social and fund-raising activities, particularly giving support to charitable associations.

Funds raised by the PTA in the past have permitted the purchase of a School bus, playground equipment, stage, sound and lighting equipment, the furbishing of the Art Studio and a Science Laboratory.

The School is quick to react to major disasters such as the Tsunami, the Haiti earthquake and 9/11.
It has also been active nationally and internationally on behalf of Cancer Research, Red Nose Day (Comic Relief) and Sidaction and the raising of 16,000€ for the training of a Guide Dog for the Blind.

PTA Resources

Memberships & Affiliations

Mougins School

An International School offering the English National Curriculum adapted to an international community.

615 Avenue Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 Mougins, France