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Curriculum Matters

As explained in last week’s Learning Curve, Year 11, 12 and 13 students are required to  fill out the Google Form posted on their year group Google Classroom to verify that they have spoken to their teachers about the evidence that will be submitted to the relevant boards. This needs to be completed by today, Friday 11th June. 

This year, five of our students have studied Psychology online with Pamoja Education. A number of Year 11 students have indicated that they would also like to study Psychology online. I will be running a webinar with Pamoja Education to explain what this involves and how the multimedia online learning platform operates. This will be held online on Thursday 17th June at 6:00 pm. Please email me if you are interested in attending this webinar and I will send the link. It is essential that all Year 11 students wishing to study Psychology next year attend this information session. 

Just a reminder to all parents and students that no student is to leave the campus during the day without an adult officially signing out the student with Elisabeth in the front office. No student is to leave the campus at lunchtime to go to the boulangerie to pick up lunch and all students must attend all classes when on campus. It is our duty of care to ensure we know where students are at all times so that we can ensure that they are safe.    

Jane Ayerst
Deputy Head: Curriculum, Academic and Structures

School, Exams and Well-being

Dear Parents and students

This week our Secondary students from Y7- Y10 are sitting their Internal Exams and although these are important and help us as teachers to determine future learning Objectives and assess students’ performance we want to help create a positive experience for both students and teachers. I have included some of my thoughts and ideas on exams to relativise the worries of exams.

In light of the Covid 19 we are seeing more students experiencing anxiety or worries about exams. Although worry helps us react and study, we do not want our students to be too anxious during the exams so here are some tips that we feel would help students experience a better performance in their Internal exams and make this a more positive learning experience.

Top Tips

top tips wellbeing

Exams should be seen as part of a student’s toolkit to help them learn and improve their own ability in all subject curricular areas. It helps to revise the topics your teachers advise you to revise.

Take notes, read through past work, sit past papers, whatever helps you but always remain positive and visualise yourself being successful.

In the exams try to use your time management wisely, answer all the questions and give the appropriate time linked to the marks given to that question. Read the questions carefully, write neatly and clearly.

As parents it is important that we support and help our children when they are in the exam period. Making sure that they are going to bed early, they have a revision timetable, they eat healthily and ensure your child is also having some downtime. Use SQP4 Survey, Question Predict, Plan, Prepare and Practice to help motivate your learning.

Use Buzan’s revision cycle

After a study session, reduce your notes to key words.

          A day later write out key words from memory, refer to the actual notes and fill in the gaps.   

Finally remember exams are never about failing or failing as Albert Einstein stated, success is a sequence of failures. Exams are all about learning, so Good Luck!

Robert Cooke