Today we come to the end of a very busy term and a very challenging year. Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students will receive full reports today outlining what they have studied and what level they have achieved along with a description of how they have been working. The attainment grade can be confusing for many of our families as we all come from different educational backgrounds where a ‘C’ grade may mean something different. On our current reports, the attainment grade is given based on these descriptors:
A – working well above the expected level
B – working above the expected level
C – working at the expected level
D – working towards the expected level
F – working well below the expected level
The effort rating is based on what is seen in the classroom in addition to the application shown at home. This may be in the form of homework or students may go above and beyond the minimal requirements to extend their understanding and learning. This would constitute an ‘1’ rating.
1 – Always applies fully, often going beyond set work.
2 – Works hard and completes all tasks.
3 – Usually completes all work.
4 – Not always working hard enough.
5 – Does not work hard enough.
Similarly, the behavior rating is based on how the student applies themselves in lessons, how they contribute to the class and the respect they show to their teacher and class members.
1 – Excellent
2 – Good
3 – Acceptable
4 – Poor
5 – Unacceptable
The exam classes, Year 11, 12 and 13 will receive short reports with a short comment on their attainment and application. You will notice on this report that the attainment grade for your child has been left blank. This is to ensure that there is no confusion between the report grade and the Teacher Assessed Grade that was submitted to the appropriate examination board.
(I)GCSE students will receive their official results on the 12th August and AS and A-Level students will receive their official results on the 10th August. All students have a username and password for both Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge. If they are having difficulties logging on, they can reset their password or contact Marc Petrequin.
Students who are currently in Year 9 will receive a letter on Schoolbase with their report that states which (I)GCSE subjects they have chosen to begin in September. Likewise, the current Year 11 students will receive a letter with their A-Level choices. If this information is not what was expected, can you please email me as soon as possible.
I wish everyone a happy, safe and restful summer and I look forward to seeing you back in September.
Jane Ayerst
Deputy Head: Curriculum, Academic and Structures