It is so wonderful to have the children back in school and has been so refreshing to see how much they have been enjoying their new classrooms, teachers and friends.
On Monday after school we had our first zoom assembly where we began our discussions with the children about the four school values. We will be spending much time over this first half term introducing and explaining these to the children.
Community Spirit explained to the children
In our assembly we discussed the value of community.
Our Community value states, “We are supportive, encouraging and considerate. Together, we celebrate diversity and are committed to equality.”
We discussed how this can often have a fundamental start in simple acts of kindness.

The children were shown a video that highlighted the positive impact that happens with a chain of kindness. I know that our children have a wonderful sense of kindness and I think it was great for them to watch this and to really begin to appreciate the impact this chain of kindness can have.
Please view this video here.
Time to practice
Our children are genuinely warm and caring, and find it easy to empathise with and look after others. If your child wants to continue to make a difference, why not suggest they try some of these random acts of kindness? There’s no guarantee of getting anything in return, but acts of altruism are known to improve mental health, and they will get a buzz from doing something nice for someone else.
- Hold the door open for someone.
- Let someone else go in front of the queue to go out to play.
- Help a friend who’s stuck on their classwork.
- Clear up a mess you didn’t make.
- Hang up someone’s coat if it’s fallen off its peg.
- Sharpen all the pencils in the class at breaktime.
- Sort out the reading books if they’re all jumbled up.
- Clear out your old books and donate them to the school library.
- Tell someone a joke to cheer them up if they’re feeling sad.
- Smile at everyone you pass today!