Our new initiative THRIVE is under way with students rotating around for a number of different taster sessions these first two weeks. Hopefully, you have seen the timetable sent home and are talking about your child’s experiences with them and discussing what they would like to apply for. I spoke to all Secondary students on Monday and outlined the key principles guiding our THRIVE program and the message is the same for our Primary students.
THRIVE is an opportunity for students to participate in activities that they already know that they love and are interested in, however it is also, possibly more importantly, an opportunity for students to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things.
Secondary students have been emailed a Google sign up form that they will need to fill out with their THRIVE choices. The Google form for Primary students will be posted on their Google Classroom. They have been asked to rank their preferences from first choice to last choice for every day. The responses to this form will determine the next steps in the setting up of the program which may lead to some changes. This is a new and complex program and will require some flexibility and possibly some adjustment.
Students must submit this form by Monday 13th September. If students have not submitted the form by this date, they will be placed into activities that have available spots. If students have difficulties filling out the form, they will need to see their tutor or class teacher on Monday 13th September.
Some activities are given by external providers who will charge a one off fee for the term. This will be clearly indicated on the sign up form. Details about how to pay will be communicated in due course.
We recognize that some students are involved in sports and other enriching activities outside of school when THRIVE is taking place. We are happy for students who fall under this category to select the option of an external activity. Individual onsite music lessons are also considered an enriching activity and can take place during the THRIVE slot.
Thank you to the parents who have volunteered their services and offered a THRIVE activity. We are very excited about this community initiative and look forward to seeing our students thrive and grow.
Nursery and Reception parents will receive a separate communication as the needs and provisions for this age group are unique. We will be writing to you early next week.
If you or your child has any questions about THRIVE, the first person to contact is your child’s class teacher or tutor teacher.
Jane Ayerst
Deputy Head: Curriculum, Academic and Structures
We are fortunate to have a number of visiting teachers coming to Mougins school with specialist skills and can therefore offer instrumental tuition on a range of instruments as well as singing lessons. We do encourage children to consider orchestral instruments as their first study enabling them to play in ensembles and groups. Please sign-up for instrumental and vocal lessons by clicking on the link on the last page of the music pamphlet. We encourage parents to read through the information carefully, as there are several changes to lesson times and payments this year.
The deadline for signing up is Wednesday the 15th of September.
Please read all of the information and sign up HERE
We are excited to announce a new partnership with Ultra who will be providing top class and comprehensive extra curricular activities for students between 16.15 and 18.45 as well as a garderie for our younger children.
The activities will be built around the themes of:
– Team sports
– Individual sports
– Outdoor
– Culture
Please read all of the information and sign up HERE
Our famous science competition is on! Get your cameras ready because this year’s theme is structure!
Entries must be printed in the highest definition possible and submitted to Mr Andrews by 20th September 2021 with name and form of photographer on the reverse. Please include a description of the photo subject.
Remember that no filters are allowed and that you must be the one taking the photo! Good luck!

Due to the volume of t-shirts ordered (which is great but more that we expected) we set up a more convenient payment system for parents:
We create an online shop where you can make payment for your t-shirts using all of the usual methods. Once we receive the payments, we will then give your children the shirts directly
Those of you who have already made payment will receive the shirts shortly
We have a very low stock of S & L Adult size, so we ordered a new version in Green
Buy your t shirt(s) HERE
Self-Defence and Boxing training from Alex
1-Self Defence workshop for ladies-Saturday September the 18th, 9h-13h
After our hugely successful summer courses and workshops. Myself and Nigel Wright are running the first ladies self defence workshop of the new year at Mougins School on Saturday the 18th of September. Please see the poster for the details and video attached for an idea of what to expect.
The workshop will cover:
-Situational awareness and how to identify threats.
-How to make yourself a hard target using body language, eye contact and voice projection.
-Striking an aggressor’s natural weak points with the body’s natural weapons.
-Escapes from common holds, chokes and hugs.
-Defence against sexual aggression.
-Information on self defence and the law.
I am a qualified self-defence and boxing instructor with over 15 years teaching experience. Nigel Wright is a licenced close protection officer working on the French Riviera.
The cost of the workshop is 65e, please contact me directly on 07 69 67 26 43 to book your place. The course is suitable for girls and ladies 14+.
2-Y5-Y8 Girls Self Defence-Tuesday 15h-16h (During Thrive Program
3-Y8-Y13 Girls Self Defence-Tuesday 16.15-17.45
4-Y5-Y8 Mixed Kickboxing- Wednesday 15.15-16.45
5-Y8-Y13 Mixed Self defence-Thursday 15.00-16.30 (Part of Thrive program)
This class will take place as a paid option during the Thrive program and carry on until 16.30. It will be similar to the Tuesday class but with a greater emphasis on boxing based striking combinations. Course will include:
-Physical conditioning.
-Self defence and boxing based striking combinations. -Escapes from holds, grabs and chokes.
-Situational awareness, posture and voice projection training.
The cost for the term is 200e (10 sessions) or 540e for the year (31sessions)
and payment is to be made directly with Mougins School. The course starts on Thursday the 22nd of September. Those who sign up for a year will receive a pair of gloves, shinpads and handwraps.
6-Women’s Self Defence-Thursday 1800
Secondary Info
Thursday 16th September – Mougins village
Thursday 23rd September – Mougins village
Thursday 30th September – Chateau d’Astros, Vidauban