France +33 (0)4 93 90 15 47



Whole School



School Strategic Update 

We invite you to join our Head of School, James Wellings for a webinar on Thursday 3rd June at 18.30 pm 

You can access the webinar via this link 


A big thanks to Sabine, Courtney and the PTA for some stunning work on the speaker series

 *Please note the change in time. 

      •  Wednesday 9th June between 1:30 and 2.30 pm

We are glad to have a confirmation of the following three speakers:

Patrick Vieira – World Champion soccer with the french national team in 1998, European Champion in 2000, FIFA trophy 2001, France’s Player of the Year 2001, Soccer Player with Inter Milan, FC Arsenal, Juventus Turin, Manchester, former soccer coach in Manchester, NYC FC and OGC Nice. 


Hans-Peter Franklin – Founder of Fitlane, Entrepreneur and Manager of Fitness and Wellness Clubs in the South of France and in Asia, before he worked as a manager in FMCG (Nestlé) and he also managed a language school. His guiding principles have been:  Work, Perseverance and Creativity   (,


Aileen Lane – majored in Food Science and built and ran an infant formula plant in Singapore. Now she is running a Consultancy for Image and Style. (


      • Wednesday 16th June between 1:30 and 2.30 pm


What a pleasure to announce this date for the Summer Concert

    • 25th June – 6pm   


We are pleased to offer Mougins families the option of summer camps during the school holiday. Riviera Kids will be running an exciting program for under 12’s based at ICS Cote D’Azur (EBICA) and for over 12’s at Mougins. The programs are an exciting mix of sport and outdoor adventure that take advantage of this wonderful place in which we live. 


12+ Summer Camp (English version) 

12+ Summer Camp (French Version) 

Under 12s Summer Camp


With deconfinement underway and some normality returning to our lives, we would like to clarify the situation at school. Currently many restrictions remain in place. 

  • An entire class/ year group (in secondary) will close on confirmation of 1 positive case.The entire class/year group will be required to take a rapid antigen test within 24hrs of class closure and isolate for 7 days. An initial negative result does not reduce the isolation period. A negative PCR or Antigen test will be required to return to school after isolation. 
  • Students must remain at home if they, or any member of the household tests positive for Covid. Parents have a responsibility to inform school as soon as possible to ensure any action required occurs without delay. 
  • Lunches will continue to be staggered in the canteen as per government guidelines. With the warmer weather finally arriving,  the use of the large outside spaces will also facilitate ‘safer’ eating times. 
  • Masks – The new Alpes Maritimes relaxation of mask wearing only applies to beaches, promenades and urban ‘green areas’ e.g. Parks. In school masks must continue to be worn by all students (from year 1 upwards), staff and visitors.
  •  Masks must also be worn by parents/guardians at all times whilst on school grounds including drop off and pick up in the car park.
  • Sports are now being held both inside and outdoors under strict health protocol conditions.
  • Off site excursions are now permitted to cultural centres etc. These will be undertaken with strict health policies in place.
  • We continue to liaise with the local authorities with regard to routine saliva and self testing in school. We will inform you as soon as we receive the details on how this will be rolled out.
  • Although some travel is now opening up there are some requirements that remain firmly in situ at present.
  • On return from travel within the EU and Schengen region a negative test is required within 72hrs of returning to France. 
  • On return from travel outside the EU and Shengen region a negative Covid test is required within 72hrs of return travel, Isolation for 7 days on arrival to France and a negative test prior to return to school. Any visitors from the UK will be required to quarantine for 10days from next Monday 31st May. 


If you have any questions related to Covid please contact

Primary Info

Please read the notice board info from Primary:

    • Week of 31st May – End of Year assessments;
    • 4th June Wear it Wild Day

    • Friday 25th 9:00 Early Years Prize Giving assembly
    • Monday 28th KS2 (4,5,6) Prize Giving assembly 9:00
    • Tuesday 29th KS1 (1,2,3) Prize Giving assembly 9:00

Secondary Info


We look forward to celebrating our Year 13 Graduation on Friday the 2nd of July!


Thursday 10th June 18:00 – 19:00:  Webinar presented by SPW Careers for Year 13 students and parents – Yr. 13 UCAS What Next (results day). Zoom link to follow. 

FORM 11 & 12

Please find HERE our Elective Activities

  • On Tuesday 1st June all of Year 7 will be going to the historic village of Mouans Sartoux to practise their land-use mapping skills.
  • On Tuesday 9th June they will all visit the Jardins du Musée Internationale de la Parfumerie to discover the aromatic plants that are used in the local perfume industry.
  • On Tuesday 15th June 7A will visit the Terre de Soleil animal refuge in Saint Cézaire-sur-Siagne.
  • On Tuesday 22nd June 7B will visit the Monumental Mougins outdoor sculpture exhibition.
  • Finally, on Tuesday 29th June it will be 7B’s turn to visit Terre de Soleil.
Year 7 are very much looking forward to these trips, which will give them a great opportunity to practise their geographical skills while exploring our wonderful local area.
Mrs Warren and Miss Kench