Please note that there will be NO SCHOOL ON:
- Thursday, May 13th
- Friday May 14th
- Monday, May 24th
Whilst our strict protocol continues there are a few additions to government policy that have come into force this week.
- Entire class closure with 1 positive case. In secondary school due to movement between classes within year groups this will unfortunately mean closure of entire year groups.
- Rapid antigen testing immediately (within 24hrs) of a class/year group with a confirmed positive case. (a negative result at this point does not reduce the isolation period)
- Isolation for 7 days and negative test required to return to school.
- Sport – A return to NO indoor sport with strict social distancing in outdoor sport to facilitate the removal of masks.
- Routine testing in school – We are working very closely with the local authorities to establish how and when this can be achieved in Mougins school.
Thank you to all of you who completed our school values task. We now enter the final stages after narrowing our list down to the final 8. Once again and I would ask you to take a few moments to discuss and select the final four.
Simply click HERE to complete the short survey.
Wednesday 5th May will see Reception having a zoom call with Reception Class, Colwall Primary School, UK to talk about the work the children are doing inspired by Fletcher and the Caterpillar.
Year 1 and 2
Outdoor learning starts for year 1 and 2 next week so please ensure all children are dressed appropriately.
Tuesday for Y1
Wednesday for Y2
If you have not returned your permission slip please access this HERE
Form 11, 12 & 13 Grade Boosters
This is a key block of time for students in Form 11, 12 & 13 with grade booster assessments and final preparations for the collection of evidence for the examinations. We do expect all students to fully participate in these sessions. There is no reason why they would not as it provides them with an opportunity to secure high quality evidence that can provide the examination boards with what they require to award grades.
IGCSE & A Level Assessment Procedures
Mr Wellings would like to invite interested parents to attend our new Black Box parent sessions that will occur bi-weekly. These sessions are based on Matthew Syed’s book “Black Box Thinking” which provides a model to identify and solve problems within a system or organisation.
The first Black Box Session will be on Wednesday 5th May via Zoom at 9 am.
Our first topic is “Dropping off & Picking Up -The Car Park”
Our first topic is “Dropping off & Picking Up -The Car Park”
If you are interested in being involved in this session please sign up HERE