France +33 (0)4 93 90 15 47

 “I hear and I forget

I see and I remember

I do and I understand”


(551 – 479 B.C.)


Learning outside and positive impact 

Learning does not need to take place just within the classroom and there is much research and discussion within education currently that focuses on the positive impact for children of taking their learning outside. Outdoor time often provides the most memorable learning experiences and helps children to make sense of the world around them by putting their learning into a meaningful context.  This may be in maths lessons, in which challenges are chalked onto the playground surface or in measuring tasks around the school. Or it may even be in hunting for minibeasts or a traffic survey. When undertaking these tasks, we are emphasising to the children what can be gained by taking our learning outdoors.


Enjoying the outdoors

Here in the Primary School we are very passionate about enhancing the learning experience by using the outdoors as much as possible. We often see classes of children outside using the wonderful space around school to practically embed concepts they are working on.

School in the Wood!

We have also begun, in the EYFS and KS1 classes,  to introduce a new idea of  “School in the Wood” where classes are taken into the woods for their timetabled lessons. These are planned carefully by the staff to ensure that curriculum time is being followed. 


EYFS and KS1 staff have also taken part in First Aid and safety training with Alison and are regularly reviewing and developing this provision. We are looking into introducing this with children in KS2 and will be showcasing and sharing our ideas and experiences with the secondary department as we move forward with this.