France +33 (0)4 93 90 15 47

Tell us about yourself

I am Stella Marin in form 13, and I have been at Mougins School for 6 years. This is a big chapter of my life I am happy to graduate and go to Coventry University to study Emergency and Disaster Management.

My future was defined by my education at Mougins School and all the teachers that helped me throughout these years.

Tell us about your greatest achievement

My greatest achievement is creating a Charity against Pancreatic Cancer called AC²P last year after the passing of my father due to this sickness. I had to make something positive out of this tragic event so I wanted to make a change and save the life’s of those who can be saved. So I had to adapt to my new responsibilities as a President this taught me how to become a leader.

What is your steepest learning curve?


My steepest learning curve was to overcome my stage fright and scare of speaking in public. After a few years of drama I had no more problems speaking in public. This is a skill I need in my role as President of this Charity but also just in everyday life. This is an achievement I am very proud of as it shows the evolution I have made throughout the years.

Mougins School is a great place because…

…the community is very supportive and closely knit. All the teachers have shown immense support to all I have accomplished and the maturity I have gained. This support helped me to achieve my highest potential because the community always pushed me to do better!

Anything that you would like to share with the community?

I am doing a Raffle event the 28th of June at 3.30 pm at the front gate of Mougins School. This is where the winners will be announced, we will also thank all our sponsors at this occasion. All the money collected will go to the centre Oncologie Antoine Lacassagne in Nice. You can buy your tickets at School until Friday at the summer concert.