From tasting fruits to designing their own balanced meals, the Primary children have thoroughly enjoyed their Healthy Eating Week. Check with your children to see which of these wonderful activities they were involved with.
It is so lovely to watch how much the younger children enjoy having their healthy lunches in the classroom and in seeing how much more confident they are in helping to clear away at the end of their meal. We also have some older children who have become very proud of their healthy snack boxes that they bring to school each day; well done to you and your parents for setting a great example with this.
It was exciting to watch as different class groups worked together in various cooking activities, from making their own healthy sandwiches to making hummus and beetroot mousse. The photographs of the eating after clearly showed a great number of very happy children around the department.

It’s been amazing to see the different types of work and lessons that have been able to incorporate this Healthy eating theme. I was excitedly asked to see a class’s art work, but to do so as quickly as possible before it was eaten. I was wonderfully impressed to see caterpillars, ladybirds and even a boat all made with a variety of foods that were in fact disappearing very quickly!!! Other Art work saw children busily concentrating on making lovely pictures by printing with vegetable.
Hand’s Surprise is a wonderful story that was used to inspire lots of work (and tasting) of a new variety of fruit with the most popular being the pineapple. How amazing is it that children will try things in this environment that they wouldn’t consider at home!
Science work saw some classes designing and drawing their own balanced meals and older children were busy discussing the correct balance of food groups needed in their diet and enjoying a game of Top Trumps based on various nutrients.
Finally with all this wonderful work this week it is so exciting to hear of some who have planted their very own seeds and are developing their own allotment to grow their own food. My favourite comment of the week is definitely “I want to stay close to the seeds in case they get lonely!”