France +33 (0)4 93 90 15 47

Art Gallery

Passion for Art
The Art Department at Mougins School is passionate about providing young people with an Art education that enables them to appreciate and understand the power and impact Art has on society and culture.
Art plays an integral part in the academic programme at Mougins School. Not only do we deliver projects in the classroom that build students’ technical skills but also their creative and critical thinking. We believe Art should not only be about aesthetic quality but a platform for communicating ideas to do with personal, cultural and political issues.

Your child will build confidence in observational drawing through a range of drawing techniques and will explore, play and experiment with a range of two dimensional and three dimensional media.

They will learn to understand what formal elements are and how they can be used and to what effect.

Students will respond to themes, artists, designers and crafts makers that will develop their conceptual and contextual understanding. At GCSE our students study Edexcel Fine Art and at A-Level have the opportunity to carry on with Edexcel Art, Craft and Design.
On a visit to the school you will discover students’ artwork displayed throughout the school and can judge for yourself the creativity and strength of our students’ work!

Why Study Art?

“It’s a big question, one with lots of potential answers. The resources below share various perspectives, but before you dive in it might be helpful (or troublesome, perhaps) – whether you are a parent or student – to reflect on your own ambitions, agendas, experiences and biases.

Studying Art can mean different things to different people. Open-mindedness, critical thinking and authenticity – skills that studying art can certainly develop – are important at this point of decision making.” @artpedagogy.

Continue to read ‘Why Study Art‘ written by artist educator Chris Francis @Photopedagogy to help understand whether studying art is right for you.

Explore the website ‘Creative Journey’s‘. Click and listen to a range of people, who work with in the creative industries, talk about what their job involves and how they got there.

Another short video that explains why studying art might benefit our students. Some further information about specific jobs within the creative industries.

Miss Kench challenged art students to create a response to the ‘Life after lockdown‘ project. The brief was to create a personal piece of work that reflects on their experience of the lockdown and the pandemic.  To view the work visit the website! You’ll see two fantastic outcomes created by two of our Year 10 Art students;
My Quarantine Life by Vasia Nazintseva and Monochrome Time by Maria Saratova.

Well done girls!’ Please follow ‘artmisskench‘ on Instagram for more work from our art students!

Monochrome Time by Maria Saratova

My Quarantine Life by Vasia Nazintseva

Momentum statue by Michael Speller which dominates the campus of Mougins School.

Hanging Coat by Prof. Gabriele Henkel – originally in the lobby of the Hotel Rafael in Munich.

Art Resources

Why Study Art?

Creative Journeys

Memberships & Affiliations

Mougins School

An International School offering the English National Curriculum adapted to an international community.

615 Avenue Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 Mougins, France