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Dear Parents, 

As we come to the end of term I feel that it is important to begin to look ahead and share with you how things will work for us in September in the Primary Department. Please see the information below which also includes my responses to some frequently asked questions.  

How do the children move up?

Each year classes move up staying in the same group; 3a will become 4a, 3b will become 4b and so on ( example 4a will become 5a, 5b will become 6b.) Sometimes there will be small changes depending on new children arriving. We organise the classes each year to ensure a balance of boys and girls and also nationalities so new children will be allocated their classes with this in mind.


Year 2 going into Year 3

The current Year 2 class  will be split into two Year 3 classes. We have been working with the children this week to identify a couple of their firm friends so that when we organise the classes children feel that they have at least one of their very good friends in the same class. Sometimes we make the decision to split friends who we feel are not good for each other in an educational environment. Again the classes are organised based on a balance of boys, girls and nationalities, not ability.

Year 6 going into Year 7

This will be organised by the Secondary staff. The children will participate in a taster day trialing various subjects so that they can begin to understand how their day will work when they move into the Secondary Department.

Structure of the Day

You will be aware that the structure of the day will be changing in September. For Primary this will mean that most of our lessons will last for an hour rather than many being for 35 minutes. This is a positive move forward which will prove extremely beneficial ensuring that lessons provide continuity for the subjects being covered. We will be working over the holidays to discuss what percentage of time is given to each subject area each week. You will see this reflected in the timetables you will receive in September. The timetable for Wednesday afternoon is very new but it is crucial that individuals who may have difficulties with this talk to senior members of staff so that we can look at how we can best support you and your children with this. 


Enrichment Activities

Enrichment activities (which will be optional for children from Nursery to Year 2), will provide some wonderful opportunities for extra sport and language. We are excited about the potential of being able to offer mother tongue languages, a vast range of creative activities and some wonderful opportunities to enhance academic learning.

The opportunity to select and sign up for these enrichment activities will become available during the holidays. Each activity will work with groups of up to 20 children. Some carefully mixed age groups will provide  wonderful opportunities for children to work with older and younger students for mutual benefit. Use of classrooms will work as normal during the day, with teachers ensuring that classes are tidy and ready for the next lesson or activity.


I hope this information is helpful. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email:

Yours sincerely,


Mrs Bearman
Head of Primary