Positive term for positive kids!
Regardless of all restrictions we have had a very positive term in the Primary Department.
We have all begun to enjoy having our weekly assemblies back which we do on zoom and the children love to see each other in their classes. We love listening each week to some recordings from Mrs Kellner of individual children showcasing their musical skills and each week different classes share some of their work that they have been doing.
Plenty of events
World Book Day was a huge success, with the children enjoying dressing up and spending time learning all about how Mrs Goldspink prepares her illustrations for books that are then published.
During this term Mrs Coverdale organised and introduced the Junior Duke and we were all so impressed with the amount of children within the department who have signed up for this. All our children have been allocated their house team and they are enjoying the competition element of Junior Duke and earning house points.
All children in the department have been finding out about Earth Day and many took part in a poster competition that was then judged by the PTA, winners have been announced on their newsletter and these children will receive their prizes when we are back.
We were very fortunate that before we went to this final week of remote learning all classes were able to enjoy various Easter Egg Hunt activities.
What should we do for a safe return?
Having been able to visit all classes during some of their remote learning lessons I am very impressed and proud of how all of the children have behaved and have tried so hard with their work.
We are all keeping our fingers crossed that we are able to return straight after the holidays. If we do return we would respectfully ask that all children older than 6 are tested if possible before we return. Staff will also be tested and measures that were in place before we finished will continue. Therefore please remember to ensure your child has two masks with them in school.