Welcome to The Learning Curve,
As a famous song lyric once told us “looks like we made it”. The end of the year is always a very busy time in school but always a nice one. We’ve had celebrations of learning in the Early Years, Primary and Secondary schools as well as a wonderful summer concert last week.
Tonight is our graduation where we will say farewell to our Year 13 students who head off around the world on new adventures. This evening should be a fitting send off and a lovely way to celebrate their time here at Mougins School.
I think everyone is looking forward to some well deserved R&R and I hope that you will all be able to spend some quality time in lovely places with those you care most about.
For me, it’s the end of my first term here. It’s been full speed, high energy and fairly intense . It’s also been fun and I have no regrets. Everyone here has made me feel welcome and that has been greatly appreciated. We’ve done some solid ground work in the time we’ve had available to us and whilst I look forward to some downtime I also look forward to the next stages of this adventure. I had a lovely chat with a parent this week and I found myself saying that we are giving Mougins it’s mojo back! Perhaps a little crass but it feels very much that this is what we are all trying to do.
We will continue to work over the summer and all families will be receiving a “rentrée” pack in August. This will provide you with all of the information you need for a successful return to school.
For now though, relax and enjoy the summer vacation wherever you are spending it.
Have a lovely break everyone.
James Wellings
Head of School