Dear Families,
As we approach the end of the break it is a good opportunity for me to write to you in anticipation of next week and beyond. This is the last newsletter in this current format! Next Friday will see us launch a new and improved version that we hope you will enjoy. In an effort to build anticipation but without giving too much away you can expect:
- Key notices & dates for your diary
- Celebrations of student work
- A competition for the artistically minded
- Parent learning
- A spotlight on people of Mougins that we want to celebrate
- Interesting articles from across the school.
I’ll also be sharing with you the dates and times for parent drop in meetings with me plus more information on some of the promised items from last week. Including the announcement of the new Head of Secondary.
There will also be some homework for you all. Following the community survey we now have a top 6 Values for Mougins school. The next challenge will be to take that 6 down to 4 and to consider what those four really mean in the context of our school. This process will be duplicated with teachers and staff in the school too. It is truly a community based project.
I am truly excited to have students returning to the campus on Monday. It’s been a strange start without them. You can find key information about the return in the primary section of this newsletter but I will be around in the morning to say hello. Please do feel free to introduce yourselves. We are also thrilled to be having a number of new families joining us.
Of course it is disappointing that the secondary students remain at home for another week. Nevertheless it is time for them to get back into the routine of school and to be active and respectful learners online. Whilst not ideal we are pleased that we can offer these lessons. It’s important for me to state that the normal rules of a healthy school should apply. Be on time to lessons, be prepared to learn and ensure your actions and communications ensure that a positive environment exists.
For our Form 11 and 6th form students the next few weeks have real importance. Please watch out for important information regarding the grade booster assessments next week.
Until next week and the new newsletter I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Kind regards,
James Wellings
Head of School
COVID Update
Following last week’s newsletter we would like to clarify some important points regarding our request for students to be Covid tested before their return to school.
This request is part of our post lockdown return to school risk assessment protocol. The test is not compulsory but strongly recommended. Our aim is to ensure that we can reopen the school safely and with as little risk as possible. We are also striving to prevent class closures and further disruption to our children’s education. To ensure consistency we have asked staff members to be tested prior to their return too.
There is a great deal of information available around testing and it can sometimes be confusing and even contradictory. With this in mind we feel it is useful to provide you with the following information regarding the ways to access a test.
- A laboratory PCR test can be booked online
- A Linear Rapid Antigen test (nasal swab) can be taken by a DR or at a pharmacy. These are generally on a walk in basis.
- Some pharmacies offer Saliva tests for younger children. (These are NOT available as home tests and must be performed with a medical practitioner)
- As of 12th April 2021 you can purchase Rapid Antigen tests for home use at the pharmacy. These are NOT saliva tests. They are Rapid Antigen tests involving a small less invasive nasal swab. These are only licensed for use in over 15 years of age. The pharmacist will give guidance for their safe use.
We request that the test be taken within 72hrs of the return to school. Please can we remind you all that there is a legal obligation to inform school of any confirmed positive cases within households. Isolation rules must then be applied as per government policy. We can help advise any families who are in this situation.
Whilst there remains a range of opinions on how COVID should be managed, the undisputed constant is that we all have a responsibility to keep ourselves and others safe. We therefore greatly appreciate your assistance in helping to ensure we do.
If you have any further questions relating to this matter please direct them to
Year 11, 12 & 13 Exams
All parents and students from Year 11, 12 & 13 have received an update on the (I)GCSE, (I)AS and (I)A2 cancelled examination series for this year. If you missed this communication it can be accessed HERE
Please note that both Cambridge and Edexcel examination boards are still finalising their processes. We will provide you with any relevant updates as soon as we receive them.